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Zvenigora (1928) Movie Reviews

Zvenigora (1928)

director of photography: Boris Zavelev
cast: Mykola NademskyiSemen SvashenkoLeonid BarbeHeorhiy AstafyevVladimir UralskyLes PodorozhniyMariya Parshyna
director: Oleksandr Dovzhenko
running time: 92 min.
The momentous film stars Mykola Nademskyi as the grandfather of Tymish (Semen Svashenko)whom he alerts to secret treasure buried in the mountains of Zvenygora Treasure that rightfully belongs to his homeland. The film wonderfully blends both lyricism and politics and uses its central construct to build a montage praising Ukrainian industrializationattacking the bourgeoisiecelebrating the beauty of the Ukrainian steppe and retelling ancient folklore. Said Sergei Eisenstein of the film"As the lights went onwe felt that we had just witnessed a memorable event in the development of the cinema".