Voici venu le temps (2005)
Eric Bougnon, Guillaume Viry, Pierre Louis-Calixte, Jacques Buron, Jean Dalric, François Gamard, Sylvie Milhaud, Marie Félix
Alain Guiraudie
running time:
92 min.
In a time and place indeterminate a bandit has kidnapped Rixo Lomadis Brons daughter. Bron is a wealthy landowner who reigns over the shepherds of the Purple Mountain. The time has come when Rixo Lomadis Bron accuses Manjas-Kebir of killing his daughter and urges all the countrys inhabitants to track down the assassin. Its the time when Radovan Remila Stoï, the lands greatest warrior, rises up against this foolhardy act which has every chance of leading to war...
In a time and place indeterminate a bandit has kidnapped Rixo Lomadis Brons daughter. Bron is a wealthy landowner who reigns over the shepherds of the Purple Mountain. The time has come when Rixo Lomadis Bron accuses Manjas-Kebir of killing his daughter and urges all the countrys inhabitants to track down the assassin. Its the time when Radovan Remila Stoï, the lands greatest warrior, rises up against this foolhardy act which has every chance of leading to war...