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The Taming of the Shrew (1967) Movie Reviews

The Taming of the Shrew (1967)

director of photography: Oswald Morris
cast: Elizabeth TaylorRichard BurtonNatasha PyneMichael YorkCyril CusackMichael HordernAlfred LynchAlan Webb
director: Franco Zeffirelli
running time: 117 min.
writer: Paul DehnFranco ZeffirelliSuso Cecchi d'Amico
Italy16th century. Petruchioa cholericlying and poor rural landowner from Veronaarrives in Padua in search of fortune and a wifewhile Baptistaa wealthy merchantannounces that he will not allow Biancahis youngest daughterto marry until the temperamental and unruly Katherinahis eldest daughterdoes.