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Searching for Haizmann (2003)

cast: Tippi HedrenClint HowardJenny MollenStephen Furst
director: Ron MeyerScott Gordon
running time: 91 min.
Johann Christoph Haizmannwho lived in the 1650swas a painter and a deeply disturbed individual. His intricate paintings of the devil and his elaborate journal entries depicting encounters with him led Sigmund Freud to diagnose him as one of the first known schizophrenics. Legend has it that Haizmann made a pact with the devil in 1650 to be his son here on earthand therefore gained immortality. Nowin present daywashed-up child actor Julianthe free-spirited Hannahand former teacher Gracealong with a documentary film crewgo on a search for this manwho may be the embodiment of all evil. Along the waythey get tips from various expertswhich include performances from George KennedyTippi HedrenErick Avariand Stephen Furst. The journey takes them from the inner city to a satanic black mass ceremonyand into the depths of their own soulsas they search for Johann Christoph Haizmannthe Antichrist.