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Quo Vadis (2001) Movie Reviews

Quo Vadis (2001)

cast: Paweł DelągMagdalena MielcarzBogusław LindaMichal BajorJerzy TrelaFranciszek PieczkaKrzysztof MajchrzakRafał Kubacki
director: Jerzy Kawalerowicz
running time: 170 min.
Ancient Romeduring the time of Emperor Nero. Viniciusa young patricianfalls in love with the beautiful Lygiathe daughter of a Barbarian commander who was killed in battleand wants her for his concubine. For Lygiaa Christianbeing a pagan's concubine is a severe sin and disgrace. Howeverwhen Vinicius is woundedLygia cares for himand starts to reciprocate his feelings. Viniciusin returnbecomes interested in Christian learning and asks Apostle Peter to teach him. In the meantimeEmperor Nero accuses Christians of having started a great fire in Rome. He encourages the imprisonmenttorture and murder of his Christian subjects.