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Lorna (1964) Movie Reviews

Lorna (1964)

director of photography: Russ Meyer
cast: Lorna MaitlandJames RuckerMark BradleyAlthea CurrierJames GriffithHal HopperDoc ScorttF. Rufus Owens
rating: NR
director: Russ Meyer
running time: 78 min.
writer: James Griffith
Lorna has been married to Jim for a yearbut still hasn't been satisfied sexually. While Jim is working at the salt mineshe is raped by an escaped convictbut falls in lust with him. Meanwhile Jim's buddies are giving him a hard time about Lorna's supposed infidelitynot realizing how close to the mark they really are. Trouble starts when Jim gets home early from work because it's their anniversary.