Heima (2007)
director of photography:
Alan Calzatti
Jon Thor Birgisson, Orri P. Dyrason, Georg Hólm, Kjartan Sveinsson, Hildur Ársælsdóttir, María Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir, Edda Rún Ólafsdóttir, Sólrún Sumarliðadóttir
Dean DeBlois
running time:
97 min.
Ethereal post-rock pioneers Sigur Rós play a string of impromptu gigs in their native Iceland after finishing a world tour in 2006. As they travel through the country, the band visits a wide variety of venues, from a large outdoor festival to a coffee shop.
Ethereal post-rock pioneers Sigur Rós play a string of impromptu gigs in their native Iceland after finishing a world tour in 2006. As they travel through the country, the band visits a wide variety of venues, from a large outdoor festival to a coffee shop.