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City for Conquest (1940) Movie Reviews

City for Conquest (1940)

director of photography: James Wong HoweSol Polito
cast: James CagneyAnn SheridanFrank CravenDonald CrispFrank McHughArthur KennedyGeorge TobiasJerome Cowan
rating: NR
director: Jean NegulescoAnatole Litvak
running time: 104 min.
writer: John Wexley
The heartbreaking but hopeful tale of Danny Kenny and Peggy Nashtwo sweethearts who meet and struggle through their impoverished lives in New York City. When Peggyhoping for something better in life for both of thembreaks off her engagement to Dannyhe sets out to be a championship boxerwhile she becomes a dancer paired with a sleazy partner. Will tragedy reunite the former lovers?
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