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Bye-Bye (1995)

cast: Sami BouajilaNozha KhouadraPhilippe AmbrosiniOuassini Embarek
director: Karim Dridi
running time: 104 min.
In ParisIsmaéla young Tunisiancares for two brothersNouredinea crippleand streetwise Mouloud14. In hasteIsmaél and Mouloud go to Marseilles where an uncle lives. Nouredine has died in a fireand Ismaél feels guilt on top of grief. Ismaél becomes friends with Jackya white man whose father and brother hate immigrants. Mouloud hangs out with cousin Rhida who breaks Islamic rules and deals hash. Ismaél decides Mouloud must return to Tunisiabut the boy runs offbecoming an acolyte to Rhida's supplier. Ismaél and Jacky's Arab girlfriend start an affairfriends betray friendsand the racism gets ugly. Can Ismaél rescue himself and Mouloud or will life in France crush them?