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Artemisia (1997) Movie Reviews

Artemisia (1997)

director of photography: Benoît Delhomme
cast: Michel SerraultValentina CerviMiki ManojlovićLuca ZingarettiEmmanuelle DevosFrédéric PierrotMaurice GarrelBrigitte Catillon
rating: R
director: Agnès Merlet
running time: 98 min.
writer: Agnès MerletChristine Miller
Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1653) was one of the first well-known female painters. The movie tells the story of her youthwhen she was guided and protected by her fatherthe painter Orazio Gentileschi. Her professional curiosity about the male anatomyforbidden for her eyesled her to the knowledge of sexual pleasure. But she was also well known because in 1612 she had to appear in a courtroom because her teacherAgostino Tassiwas suspected of raping her. She tried to protect himbut was put in the thumb screws...