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A zori zdes tikhie (1972) Movie Reviews

A zori zdes tikhie (1972)

director of photography: Semen Yakovlev
cast: Pyotr FyodorovAnastasiya MikulchinaEvgenia MalakhovaKristina AsmusSofia LebedevaAgniya KuznetsovaEkaterina VilkovaAnatoliy Belyy
director: Renat Davletyarov
running time: 120 min.
writer: Yuri KorotkovArtem Vitkin
It is late spring of 1942and the Great Patriotic War is in full swing. A long way off from the front-lineat some God-forgotten junctionthe Germans make an air landing operation in an attempt to get through to the Kirov railway and the White Sea - the Baltic Sea Canal. These aren't just ordinary paratroopers. This is a team of seasoned and highly trained infiltratorsthe elite of the Waffen-SSsuperhumans. The only thing in their way is an anti-aircraft artillery unit of corporal Vaskov and five young women in training. It may seem like a fight of local significancebut the countrys main strategic transportation artery is at stake. Can the corporal and his 'petite newbies' prevent Nazi sabotage and at what cost?